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Metal Properties & Reactions

Examples of
Multiple Choice Questions

Which of the following is NOT true for the Group 1A elements?
(a) Most of them are soft, silvery corrosive metals.
(b) Their atomic radii increases with increasing molecular weight.
(c) They are named the alkaline earth metals.
(d) They are excellent conductors of heat and electricity.
(e) They exhibit a +1 oxidation state in compounds.

Which element group is the most reactive of all the metallic elements?
(a) alkali metals
(b) alkaline earth metals
(c) coinage metals
(d) transition metals
(e) Group 2B metals

In a surprisingly large number of their properties beryllium resembles aluminum, and boron resembles silicon. Such a relationship is called:
(a) amphoterism
(b) an allotropic relationship
(c) a diagonal relationship
(d) the periodic law
(e) an isoelectronic series

Which of the following properties of the alkaline earth metals decreases with increasing atomic weight?
(a) ionic radii
(b) ionization energy
(c) atomic radii
(d) activity
(e) atomic number

Of the following oxides, the most basic is:
(a) MgO.
(b) Na2O.
(c) P2O3.
(d) BeO.
(e) SO2.

A 300 g sample of CaCO3 was heated until 10.0 L of CO2 was collected at 50.0oC and 742 torr. What percentage of the CaCO3 had decomposed?
(a) 6.84%
(b) 9.10%
(c) 12.3%
(d) 15.8%
(e) 20.6%

What mass of lithium nitride could be formed from 104 g of lithium and excess nitrogen gas?
(a) 35 g
(b) 60 g
(c) 105 g
(d) 140 g
(e) 174 g

The most abundant metal in the earth's crust is:
(a) Cu
(b) Fe
(c) Na
(d) Al
(e) Ca

Which element has the electron configuration [Ar] 3d7 4s2?
(a) Fe
(b) Co
(c) Cr
(d) Ti
(e) Zn

What is the electron configuration of Mn3+ ion?
(a) [Ar] 4s2 3d10
(b) [Ar] 4s2 3d2
(c) [Ar] 3d5
(d) [Ar] 3d4
(e) [Ar] 4d1 3d3

The nitrate of which of the following cations would exhibit paramagnetism to the GREATEST extent?
(a) Co3+
(b) Cr3+
(c) Fe3+
(d) Mn3+
(e) V3+

Answers to Chapter 23

1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (e) 8. (d) 9. (b) 10. (d) 11. (c)

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 Fundamentals of Chemistry | Chemical Formulas & Composition Stoichiometry | Chemical Equations & Rxn Stoichiometry | Types of Chemical Reactions |
| Atomic Structure | Chemical Periodicity | Chemical Bonding | Molecular Structure/Covalent Bonding Theories| Molecular Orbital Theory |
| Acids/Bases/Salts - Theory & Rxns | Acids/Bases/Salts - Calculations (including balancing redox rxns) | Gases | Solids & Liquids | Solutions |
| Thermodynamics | Kinetics | Equilibrium | Aqueous Equilibrium - Acids/Bases/Salts | Aqueous Equilibrium - Buffers & Titrations |
| Aqueous Equilibrium - Slightly Soluble Salts | Electrochemistry | Metallurgy | Metal Properties & Rxns | Nonmetals & Metalloids |
| Coordination Compounds | Nuclear Chemistry | Organic Chem - Formulas/Names/Properties | Organic Chem - Shapes/Rxns/Biopolymers |

To report any corrections, please e-mail Dr. Wendy Keeney-Kennicutt.