The Department of Chemistry strives continuously to provide a safe working environment in all of our instructional and research laboratories and support facilities. Despite the variety of potential hazards inherent in chemical laboratories, proper observance by all faculty, staff, and students of proper safety practices will minimize the possible risks and help to maintain an excellent safety record.
The Chemistry Student Safety Committee (CSSC) is committed to a safe working envirmonemt. It's mission is to improve departmental safety culture through student-led initiatives. Please help us by giving your safety suggestions. We are looking for suggestions for future CSSC projects, lab experiences that may serve as safety learning moments, safety concerns you have observed and want to bring to our attention, feedback on how CSSC operates and ideas for improvements, and anyone who wants to learn more about safety culture. Suggestions are anonymous, unless you choose to identify yourself. Students, faculty, postdocs, staff, and visitors are all encouraged to provide feedback.
The chemistry safety committee promotes a culture of safety in the departmnet and engages in safety issues associated with both research and teaching labs.
CSSC members are elected by their peers and aim to ensure that all chemistry is conducted in a safe and responsible manner.