Department of Chemistry

Organic Chemistry

The areas of organic synthesis, new organic reactions, organometallic reactions, and bioorganic and biological chemistry are strongly represented in the research projects of the chemistry faculty at Texas A&M. Other research areas include marcomolecular and polymer chemistry, catalysis, and natural products.

The combination of instrumentation available through the Department and individual research groups is among the best in the country for organic and bioorganic research. Several high field multinuclear NMR spectrometers, mass spectrometers, and x-ray diffractometers are available for access. A variety of molecular graphics systems are routinely used by students.

Headshot of Tadhg Begley
Headshot of David Bergbreiter
Headshot of Janet Bluemel
Headshot of Kevin Burgess
Headshot of Lei Fang
Headshot of John Gladysz
Headshot of Melissa Grunlan

Headshot of Osvaldo Gutierrez
Headshot of Lauren Hagler
Headhsot of Wenshe Liu
Headshot of Oleg Ozerov
Headshot of Emily Pentzer
Headshot of David Powers
Headshot of Frank Raushel
Headshot of Jonathan Sczepanski
Headshot of Daniel Singleton
Headshot of Andy Thomas
Headshot of Coran Watanabe
Headshot of Karen Wooley
Headshot of Shiqing Xu
Headshot of Xin Yan