43.) M. Sheldon. "Turning single molecule vibrations into visible light." Nature Photonics, 2023, 17, 835-836
42.) J.-R. Wen, A. Champ, G. Bauer, M. Sheldon. "The Chemical and Structural Stability of CsPbX3 Nanorods During Post-Synthetic Anion-Exchange" (submitted)
41.) F. A. Rodríguez Ortiz, B. Zhao, J.-R. Wen, JE. Yim, G. Bauer, A. Champ, M. Sheldon. "The Anisotropic Complex Dielectric Function of CsPbBr3 Perovskite Nanorods Obtained via an Iterative Matrix Inversion Method." The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2023, 127(30), 14812-14821
40.) Z. Brawley, JE. Yim, S. Pannir-Sivajothi, YR. Poh, J. Yuen-Zhou, M. Sheldon. "Sub-wavelength Chemical Imaging of a Modified Reaction due to Vibrational Strong Coupling." (in review)
39.) N. Mireles Villegas, J. C. Hernandez, J. C. Joshua, M. Sheldon. "Promoting Solution-Phase Superlattices of CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals." Nanoscale, 2023, 15, 9728 -9737
38.) S. Wu, M. Sheldon. "Mechanisms of Photothermalization in Plasmonic Nanostructures: Insights into the Steady State." Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, 2023, 74:1, 521-545.
37.) J.-R. Wen, F. A. Rodríguez Ortiz, A. Champ, M. Sheldon. "Kinetic Control for Continuously Tunable Lattice Parameters, Size, and Composition during CsPbX3 (X=Cl, Br, I) Nanorod Synthesis." ACS Nano, 2022, 16, 5, 8318-8328.
36.) H. -C. Cheng*, B. Zhao*, Z. T. Brawley, D. H. Son, M. Sheldon. "Active Tuning of Plasmon Damping via Light Induced Magnetism." Nano Letters, 2022, 22, 13, 5120-5126 (*equal contribution).
35.) Y. Xiao, M. Sheldon, M. A. Kats. "Super-Planckian emission can't really be 'thermal'." Nature Photonics, 2022, 16 , 397-401.
34.) R. J. Ratnaweera, F. A. Rodríguez Ortiz, N. Gripp, M. Sheldon. "Quantifying Order during Field-driven Alignment of Colloidal Semiconductor Nanorods."
ACS Nano, 2022, 16, 3, 3834-3842.
33.) M. Negrito, M. Elinski, N. Hawthorne, M. Pedley, M. Han, M. Sheldon, R. Espinosa-Marzal, J. Batteas. "Using Patterned Self-Assembled Monolayers to Tune Graphene-Substrate Interactions." Langmuir, 2021, 37(33), 9996-10005.
32.) S. Wu, H.-C. Cheng, B. Zhao, N. Hogan, A. Lee, D. H. Son, M. Sheldon. "The Connection Between Plasmon Decay Dynamics and the SERS background: Inelastic Scattering from Non-Thermal and Hot Carriers." Journal of Applied Physics, 2021, 129, 173103.
31.) Z. T. Brawley, S. D. Storm, D. A. C. Mora, M. Pelton, M. Sheldon. "Angle-Independent Plasmonic Substrates for Multi-Mode Vibrational Strong Coupling with Molecular Thin Films." Journal of Chemical Physics, 2021, 154, 104305.
30.) A. R. Kutayiah, S. Kumar, R. J. Ratnaweera, K. Easwaran, M. Sheldon. "Markov Chains for Modeling Complex Luminescence, Absorption, and Scattering in Nanophotonic Systems." Optics Express, 2021, 29, 4249-4269.
29.) H.-C. Cheng, T. Qiao, M. Sheldon, D. H. Son. "Size- and Temperature-dependent Photoluminescence Spectra of Strongly Confined CsPbBr3 Quantum Dots." Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 13113-13118.
28.) B. J. Roman, N. Mireles Villegas, K. Lytle, M. Sheldon. "Optically Cooling CsPbBr3 Nanoparticles." Nano Letters, 2020, 20(12), 8874-8879.
27.) J. Martin, R. Ratnaweera, S. Kumar, J.-R. Wen, A. R. Kutayiah, M. Sheldon. "Detailed Balance Efficiencies for Luminescent Solar Concentrators with Aligned Semiconductor Nanorods: The Benefits of Anisotropic Emission." The Journal of Photonics for Energy, 2020, 10, 025501.
26.) N. Hogan, M. Sheldon. "Comparing Steady State Photothermalization Dynamics in Copper and Gold Nanostructures." Journal of Chemical Physics, 2020, 152, 061101.
25.) H.-C. Cheng, D. H. Son, M. Sheldon. "Light-Induced Magnetism in Plasmonic Gold Nanoparticles." Nature Photonics, 2020, 14, 365-368.
24.) (Invited Feature Article) N. Hogan, S. Wu, M. Sheldon. "Photothermalization and Hot Electron Dynamics in the Steady State." J. Phys. Chem. C, 2020, 124, 4931-4945.
23.) J.-R. Wen, B. J. Roman, F. A. Rodriguez, N. Mireles Villegas, N. Porcellino, M. Sheldon. "Chemical Availability of Bromide Dictates CsPbBr3 Nanocrystal Growth." Chemistry of Materials, 2019, 31, 8551-8557.
22.) F. A. Rodriguez, B. J. Roman, J.-R. Wen, N. Mireles Villegas, D. F. Dacres, M. Sheldon. "The Role of Gold Oxidation State in the Synthesis of Au-CsPbX3 Heterostructure or Lead-free Cs2Au(I)Au(III)X6 Perovskite Nanoparticles." Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 18109 - 18115.
21.) S. Wu, N. Hogan, M. Sheldon. "Hot Electron Emission in Plasmonic Thermionic Converters." ACS Energy Letters, 2019, 4, 2508-2513.
20.) M. Pelton, M. Sheldon, J. Khurgin. "Plasmon-exciton coupling." Nanophotonics, 2019, 8, 513. (special issue editorial)
19.) B. J. Roman, M. Sheldon. "Six-fold Plasmonic Enhancement of Thermal Scavenging via CsPbBr3 Anti-Stokes Photoluminescence." Nanophotonics, 2019, 8, 599-605.
18.) S. Wu, M. Sheldon. "Optical Power Conversion via Tunneling of Plasmonic Hot Carriers." ACS Photonics, 2018, 5, 2516-2523.
17.) B. J. Roman, M. Sheldon. "The Role of Mid-Gap States in All-Inorganic CsPbBr3 Nanoparticle One Photon Up-Conversion." Chem Comm, 2018, 54, 6851-6854.
16.) J. Huang, X. Wang, N. Hogan, S. Wu, P. Lu, Z. Fan, Y. Dai, B. Zeng, R. Starko-Bowes, J. Jian, H. Wang, L. Li, R. Prasankumar, D. Yarotski, M. Sheldon, H. Chen, Z. Jacob, X. Zhang, H. Wang. "Artificial Plasmonic Lattice in Self-Assembled Vertically Aligned Nitride-Metal Hybrid Metamaterials." Adv. Sci., 2018, 5, 1800416.
15.) A. Pravitasari, M. Negrito, K. Light, W.-S. Chang, S. Link, M. Sheldon, J. Batteas. "Using Particle Lithography to Tailor the Architecture of Au Nanoparticle Plasmonic Nanoring Arrays." Journal of Physical Chemistry B., 2018, 122, 730-736.
14.) B. J. Roman, J. Otto, C. Galik, R. Downing, M. Sheldon. "Au Exchange or Au Deposition: Dual Reaction Pathways in Au-CsPbBr3 Heterostructure Nanoparticles." Nano Letters, 2017, 17, 5561-5566.
13.) A. Nadarajah, M. Sheldon. “Optoelectronic Phenomena in Au Metal Nanostructures Due to the Inverse Faraday Effect.” Optics Express, 2017, 25, 12753-12764.
12.) D. Parobek, B. J. Roman, Y. Dong, H. Jin, E. Lee, M. Sheldon, D. H. Son. "Exciton-to-Dopant Energy Transfer in Mn-Doped Cesium Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals." Nano Letters, 2016, 16, 7376-7380.
11.) L. Li, L. Sun, J. S. Gomez-Diaz, P. Lu, F. Khatkhatay, W. Zhang, J. Jian, Q. Su, M. Fan, C. Jacob, J. Huang, N. Hogan, X. Zhang, Q. Jia, M. Sheldon, A. Alù, X. Li, H. Wang. “Self-Assembled Epitaxial Au-Ceramic Vertically Aligned Nanocomposites for Nanoscale Metamaterials.” Nano Letters, 2016, 16, 3936-3943
10.) J. van de Groep, M. Sheldon, H. Atwater, A. Polman. “Thermodynamic Theory of the Plasmoelectric Effect.” Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 23283.
9.) A. Brown, M. Sheldon, H. Atwater. “Electrochemical Tuning of the Dielectric Function of Au Nanoparticles.” ACS Photonics, 2015, 2, 459-464.
8.) S. Peng, M. Sheldon, W.-G. Liu, A. Jaramillo-Botero, W. A. Goddard III, H. Atwater. “Ultraviolet Surface Plasmon-Mediated Oxidation of Hydrazine as a Source for Low-Temperature Nitride Deposition.” Applied Physics Letters, 2015, 106, 023102.
7.) M. Sheldon, J. van de Groep, A. Brown, A. Polman, H. Atwater. “Plasmoelectric Potentials in Metal Nanostructures.” Science, 2014, 356, 828-831.
6.) C. Eisler, z. Abrams, M. Sheldon, X. Zhang, H. Atwater. “Multijunction Solar Cell Efficiencies: Effect of Spectral Window, Optical Environment and Radiative Coupling.” Energy and Environmental Science 2014, 7, 3600–3605.
5.) C. Eisler, M. Sheldon, H. Atwater. “Enhanced Performance of Small GaAs Solar Cells via Edge and Surface Passivation with Trioctylphosphine Sulfide.” Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), March 2012, Austin, TX, USA.
4.) M. Sheldon, C. Eisler, H. Atwater. “GaAs Passivation with Trioctylphosphine Sulfide for Enhanced Solar Cell Efficiency and Durability.” Advanced Energy Materials, 2012, 2, 339-344.
3.) J. Dionne, L. Sweatlock, M. Sheldon, H. Atwater, A. P. Alivisatos. “Silicon-based Plasmonics for On-Chip Photonics.” Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 2010, 16, 295-306. Featured Cover Article.
2.) M. Sheldon, P. E. Trudeau, T. Mokari, L. Wang, A. P. Alivisatos. “Enhanced Semiconductor Nanocrystal Conductance via Solution Grown Contacts.” Nano Letters, 2009, 9, 3676-3682. Featured in “Research Highlights”, Nature, 2009, 461, 149.
1.) P. E. Trudeau, M. Sheldon, V. Altoe, A. P. Alivisatos. “Electrical Contacts to Individual Colloidal Semiconductor Nanorods.” Nano Letters, 2008, 8, 1936-1939.
M. Sheldon, H. Atwater, “Plasmonic nanostructures for conversion of optical power to electrical power.” Patent awarded, September 2018.
M. Sheldon, C. Eisler, H. Atwater, “GaAs Surface Passivation Using Sulfur- and Selenium- Functionalized Surfactants.” Patent awarded, June 2012.