JIMP - The Interactive Molecule Program

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Dec 05, 2002
In this protein, the heterogens have had their properties changed from the rest of the atoms so that they stand out.

The full sized image is more interesting.

Dec 05, 2002
In this molecule, one of the atoms is selected, and the atom properties dialog has been brought up, showing that the atom is gold.
Dec 05, 2002
The dialogs for the Fenske-Hall and MOPLOT2 calculations are open, along with the field dialog. In the molecule window, a slice through the first valence orbital is visible.
Dec 20, 2002
This is an example of JIMP's ability to draw the carbon backbone of proteins. The protein shown is Hemoglobin.
Jan 08, 2003
The field of the 18th valence molecular orbital for this three water system is shown using iso-surfaces. The field was generated through the Fenske-Hall and MOPLOT2 plugins.
Jan 09, 2003
Another shot showing off the iso-surfaces. I changed the surface colors using the new feature that I added. It is possible to get some rather nice looking effects.
Mar 10, 2003
A cool looking orbital of a gallium crystal with a low iso cutoff.

Click on any of the images above for a larger picture.

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