Jaan Laane Research Texas A&M University, Department of Chemistry |
BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATIONJaan Laane was born on June 20, 1942 in Paide, Estonia. He became a naturalized U. S. citizen in 1956. EDUCATIONUniversity of Illinois(Urbana), B. S. in Chemistry (June, 1964); Highest Distinction in Chemistry; Kendall Award (Outstanding Senior in Chemistry) and Highest University Honors (Bronze Tablet); Research Advisor: T. L. Brown
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCEVisiting Staff Member, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (summers)--- 1964-68 Assistant Professor, Tufts University--- 1967-68 Assistant (1968), Associate (1972), and Full (1976) Professor of Chemistry, Texas A&M University--- 1968-current Visiting Professor, University of Bayreuth, Germany (Humboldt U. S. Senior Scientist Award)--- 1979-80, 1981, 1983 Visiting Professor, University of Ulm, Germany--- 1986 Visiting Professor, Stanford University--- 2002 Visiting Professor, University of Colorado (JILA)--- 2002 Professor of Physics & Astronomy, Texas A&M University--- 2007-current Visiting Professor, Technische Universität, München, Germany (with A. Laubereau)--- 2009 ADMINISTRATIONChairman, Division of Physical and Nuclear Chemistry--- 1977-87, 1993-94 Speaker, Faculty Senate, Texas A&M University--- 1985-86 Associate Dean of Science (graduate studies)--- 1994-97 Director, Institute for Pacific Asia (Texas A&M)--- 1987-90 Exec. Deputy Director/Sr. Policy Advisor, Texas A&M, Japan--- 1990-94 Board of Directors, Alexander von Humboldt Association of America--- 2004-06 President-Elect, Alexander von Humboldt Association of America--- 2005-07 President, Alexander von Humboldt Association of America--- 2007-09 Board of Directors, American Friends of Alexander von Humboldt Fndn.--- 2009-current Co-Chair, Alumni Council, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation--- 2009-current EDITORSHIPSEditor, Journal of Molecular Structure 1994-current Editorial Board (with editorial authority), International Journal of Spectroscopy 2008-current Editorial Board, Laser Chemistry 2009-current Editorial Board, Journal of Spectroscopy & Dynamics 2010-current HONORS AND AWARDSE.J. James Scholar (1960-64) A.P. Sloan Scholar (1962-64) Illinois State Scholar (1960-1964) W. Morova Scholar (1960-62) Phi Eta Sigma (1961); Phi Kappa Phi (1962) Chemical Rubber Award (1961) A.S. Larsen Award (1961) Tomahawk (Activity Honorary, 1961) Kendall Award (The Outstanding Senior in Chemistry, 1964) University Honors (1961, 1962, 1963, 1964) Bronze Tablet (Highest University Honors, 1964) Phi Lambda Upsilon (1963) National Science Foundation Fellow (1964-67) Woodrow Wilson Fellow (1964-65) Kodak Award (The Outstanding Graduate Student in Chemistry, 1967) Alexander von Humboldt U.S. Senior Scientist Award (1979) Association of Former Students Teaching Award (1982) National Science Council Lectureship (Taiwan, 1984) Fellow, American Physical Society (1996) Fellow, American Institute of Chemists (1987) Phi Beta Delta, International Honor Society (1987), president (1990-91) Korean Chemical Society Lectureship (1989) Waseda University (Tokyo) Lectureship (1996) Elected to Estonian Academy of Science (1996) University of Valladolid (Spain) University Lectureship (1997) University of Ulm (Germany) Lectureship (1997) Robert A. Welch Foundation Lectureship (1998-1999) Honorary Doctorate, University of Tartu, Estonia (2000) Frontiers in Chemical Physics Lectures, The Ohio State University (2003) EUCMOS Lectureship (Krakow, 2004) Takahashi Lectureship (Tokyo, 2005) E.R. Lippincott Award in Molecular Spectroscopy (2005) Humboldt Research Award (2009) TOTAL PUBLICATIONS322 including three books and 14 invited book chapters TOTAL CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONSApproximately 400 including plenary and invited conference presentations/lectures GRADUATE STUDENTS (Ph.D. and M.S.)Graduate student degrees: 39 Ph.D.; 5 M.S. Undergraduate researchers: more than 50 Post-doctoral Research Associates: approximately 20 Visiting faculty researchers: approximately 15 SELECTED PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIESAmerican Chemical Society, Texas A&M Section, Chair (1977), Alt. Councilor Coblentz Society, Board of Managers (1983-87), Treasurer (1985-88) Chairman, Physical Chemistry, Southwest Regional American Chemical Society Meeting (1984) Program Advisory Committee and/or Session Chair for numerous spectroscopy meetings President, Phi Beta Delta Honor Society, TAMU chapter (1990-91) Director, NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Ulm, Germany (September, 1992) Co-organizer, symposium on “Structure and Dynamics of Electronic Excited States” at Pacifichem ’95 International Advisory Board, European Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy (EUCMOS) (1994-present) International Advisory Board, International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, The Ohio State University (1997-2000) President, Texas Section (2001-2002), National Board of Directors (2004-2006), President-Elect (2005-2007), President (2007-2009), Alexander von Humboldt Society of America Editorial Board, International Journal of Spectroscopy (2008) Editorial Board, Laser Chemistry (2009) Editorial Board, Journal of Spectroscopy & Dynamics (2010) Scientific Committee for Turkish Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy (2012-2013) Honorary Editorial Board, Reports in Theoretical Chemistry (2015) |
Department of Chemistry Texas A&M University P.O. Box 30012 College Station, Texas 77842-3012 PHONE: 979-845-3352 | FAX: 979-845-4719 EMAIL: laane@chem.tamu.edu |