Department of Chemistry

Chemistry 119H Lecture, Sections 201-203

"Fundamentals of Chemistry I"  (4 cr.)

Introduction to modern theories of atomic structure and chemical bonding;
chemical reactions; coordination chemistry; states of matter

Fall Semester, 2020

MWF 10:40 A.M. - 11:30 A.M.

Classes Meet Online Using Zoom

Prerequisites: One year of high school chemistry

Learning Outcomes will be knowledge of the:

  • Uncertainty Principle and wave-particle duality.

  • Quantum mechanical nature of atomic structure.

  • Quantum origin of the periodic table.

  • Periodic properties of the elements.

  • Nature of ionic and covalent bonding.

  • Predicted structures of molecules.

  • Bonding and structure of coordination compounds.

  • Interparticle interactions in the different states of matter.


Dr. Michael P. Rosynek


Office Hours (via Zoom): MWF 11:40 A.M. - 12:40 P.M.
Other hours as available, or by appointment

Office: Chemistry Building Room 1331
  (no in-person office visits)
Telephone: 979-845-3552

Chemical Principles: The Quest for Insight, 7th ed., Peter Atkins, Loretta Jones, and Leroy Laverman, W.H. Freeman and Co. (2016). [ISBN:1-4641-8395-3]

(Also available in e-Book and loose-leaf editions at substantially lower cost than the hardbound edition)

Student Solutions Manual to accompany "Chemical Principles: The Quest for Insight, 7th ed.," Laurence Lavelle, Yinfa Ma, and Christina Johnson (2016).   [ISBN:1-3190-1756-8]


One-Hour Exams  (3 @ 100 pts. each)

300 pts.

Homework  (1 @ 4 pts. + 8 @ 12 pts. each)

100 pts.

In-Class Quizzes  (10 @ 5 pts. each)

  50 pts.

Final Exam

150 pts.


600 pts.

In addition to the above maximum of 600 points that are possible for the lecture portion of the course, a maximum of 200 points is possible for the laboratory portion of the course. Thus, a total maximum of 800 points is possible for the overall course.  Final course letter grades will correspond to the following percentages of the 800 point maximum:

≥ 85% (≥ 680 pts.) A
75 - 84% (600 - 679 pts.) B
60 - 74% (480 - 599 pts.) C
50 - 59% (400 - 479 pts.) D
< 50% (< 400 pts.) F