Book: The Organic Chemistry of Biological Pathways by John McMurry and Tadhg Begley.
Book: Wiley Encyclopedia of Chemical Biology, Volumes 1-4 (2009), Tadhg P. Begley (Editor).
Book: Cofactor Chemistry, Volume 7, Comprehensive Natural Products Chemistry, 2010, Tadhg P. Begley (Editor)
Review: Biochemistry. Origin of a key player in methane biosynthesis. Begley, Tadhg P. Nature 2017, 543(7643), 49-50.
Mehta, A. P.; Hanes, J. W.; Abdelwahed, S. H.; Hilmey, D. G.; Hanzelmann, P.; Begley, T. P. Catalysis of a New Ribose Carbon-Insertion Reaction by the Molybdenum Cofactor Biosynthetic Enzyme MoaA. Biochemistry 2013, 52, 1134-1136.
Mehta, A. P.; Abdelwahed, S. H.; Begley, T. P. Molybdopterin Biosynthesis: Trapping an Unusual Purine Ribose Adduct in the MoaA-Catalyzed Reaction. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135, 10883-10885.