JIMP - The Interactive Molecule Program

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Jimp 2 Citation - All publications and/or presentations that result from the use of Jimp 2 should contain the following references: Hall, M. B.; Fenske, R. F. Inorg. Chem. 1972, 11, 768-779. Manson, J.; Webster, C. E.; Pérez, L. M.; Hall, M. B. http://www.chem.tamu.edu/jimp2/index.html

Jimp 2 has finally been released. Head on over to the Jimp 2 website and check it out.

JIMP for Windows has a new version (version 0.1.119) with an installer; it is available for download!!

We have added some new features, but mostly this is an update to fix minor bugs.

The Windows and Linux versions are both up-to-date. However, the release version for Windows has a bug in the visualization of orbitals with MOPLOT2 because of problems with the (free) non-commercial version of Qt (2.3.0) used in the production of JIMP. The debug version of the Windows executable is stable but slower.

Also, a new set of examples and sample files is available for download.

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